
Roads and Infrastructure

The condition of our roads and buildings reflects the condition of our city. If we are going to attract new businesses to Bedford we need to take pride in our city and present ourselves in a way that excites entrepreneurs and developers.

Those who have lived in Bedford know its history. The 2005 rollback election closed our library, set our city behind and left us unable to invest in critical infrastructure that we needed. To make matters worse, prior leadership failed in their duty to plan for capital improvements or fund critical infrastructure needs. Their disastrous policy of refusing to issue debt responsibly left our roads and thoroughfares in disrepair.

Over the last few years we have taken monumental steps in fixing the mistakes of the past. We will no longer continue to kick the can down the road. With smart budgeting and planning we have invested millions in our city to update our buildings and infrastructure with no new taxes to residents.


  • 62 roads were repaired in 2023, an all time record.

  • Authorized funding to conduct the first city drainage survey in decades.

  • Funded cleaning and repairing of the Cummings water tower without raising taxes

  • Campaigned for funding from Tarrant county to redo Brown Trail and work with Colleyville to widen Cheeksparger

  • Invested millions on what the city struggled to finance in the past: Ambulances, fire trucks, and heavy equipment, without raising taxes.

  • Financing projects without impact to the tax rate: 

    • Construction of a central fire station and a fire training tower facility

    • Purchase and refurbishment of a senior citizen center

    • Upgrades to the Animal Shelter

Vote Early at Bedford Public Library

(April 22 - April 30)

Election Day May 4 at Pat May Center